Tarbert Next Generation Power Station
Project Background
SSE Thermal is proposing that the site of our existing power station in Tarbert will provide the location for a new power station which would run on 100% sustainable biofuel, Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO), with the potential to utilise hydrogen in the future. The proposed development consists of an Open Cycle Gas Turbine (OCGT) plant fuelled by HVO, which is produced by processing waste feedstocks to create a fossil-free alternative to diesel in accordance with EU sustainability standards.
An OCGT plant has been selected for the proposed development as it is able to respond rapidly to changes in electricity demand by starting up quickly and achieving full output within a short period of time.
The proposed Tarbert Next Generation Power Station secured a 10-year capacity agreement in the T-4 Capacity Auction, to commence in 2026/27. Capacity auctions are a key element of the all-island electricity market, designed to deliver reliable electricity supply into the future. We are now applying for planning permission and the new station could be operational by 2026.
The new station will support the security of electrical power supply, the continued expansion of Ireland’s renewable generation capacity and would provide essential support to the electricity supply system at times of peak demand and at times when other electricity generation sources are not sufficient to meet demand.
Planning Information
The Proposed Development will include: Demolition of existing structures on site (Including workshop and storage buildings, shot blasting shed, lube oil store, toilet block, chemical storage bund, boiler wash storage tank, canteen, demineralised water tank, water treatment plant building and associated infrastructure, ‘puraflo’ wastewater treatment plant, tanks and fuel lines); Construction of OCGT power plant (350MW), and associated building (30m high) including air intake; Emissions stack (55m high) with continuous emissions monitoring systems (‘CEMS’); Selective Catalytic Reduction (‘SCR’) with air intake, filters and dilution fans; Skids; 2no. blocks of fin fan coolers; Power control module; Emergency generator; One unit transformer and one grid transformer with a firewall separating, and overhead cable connection to existing 220kV substation; Aqueous ammonia tank; Propane gas tank, compound and unloading bay; Demineralised water treatment plant; 2no. Demineralised water storage tanks; Raw water and fire water storage tank; Fire water module; 3no. fuel storage tanks with 2no. unloading bays; Fuel polishing and transfer system; Fuel pipework; Wastewater treatment plant; Administration building and workshop with associated car parking area (8no. spaces); Store; Flood defence wall and gates; And all associated ancillary development, site works and services including internal roads, security fencing and gates, drainage infrastructure, lighting, underground pipework and cabling.
The application relates to development for the purposes of an activity requiring a license from the Environmental Protection Agency under the Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992, as amended. It also relates to a COMAH establishment and therefore falls under the requirements of the Chemicals Act (Control of Major Accident Hazards Involving Dangerous Substances) Regulations, 2015.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (‘EIAR’) and Natura Impact Statement (‘NIS’) will be submitted with the application.
The planning application, including the EIAR and NIS, may be inspected free of charge or purchased on payment of a specified fee (which shall not exceed the reasonable cost of making a copy) during public opening hours for a period of seven weeks commencing on 5th December 2023 at the following locations:
- The offices of An Bord Pleanála, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1, D01 V902;
- The offices of Kerry County Council, County Buildings, Rathass, Tralee, Co. Kerry, V92 H7VT.
The planning application, including the EIAR and NIS, may also be viewed or downloaded on the following website: www.ssetarbertnextgen.com.
Submissions or observations may be made only to An Bord Pleanála (“the Board”), 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1, D01 V902; or via the Board’s website, www.pleanala.ie/en-ie/observations, during the aforementioned period relating to:
- The implications of the Proposed Development for proper planning and sustainable development; and
- The likely effects on the environment of the Proposed Development; and
- The likely significant effects of the Proposed Development on a European site, if carried out.
Any submissions or observations must be accompanied by a fee of €50 (except for certain prescribed bodies) and must be received by the Board not later than 5.30 p.m. on 1st
February 2024 (The provisions of section 251 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended, relating to the holiday period between the 24th
December and 1st January, both days inclusive, have been taken into account in the calculation of the response date). Such submissions or observations must also include the following information:
- The name of the person making the submission or observation, the name of the person acting on his or her behalf, if any, and the address to which any correspondence relating to the application should be sent; and
- The subject matter of the submission or observation; and
- The reasons, considerations and arguments on which the submission or observation is based in full (Article 217 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended, refers).
Any submissions or observations which do not comply with the above requirements cannot be considered by the Board.
The Board may, at its absolute discretion, hold an oral hearing on the application (refer to ‘A Guide to Public Participation in Strategic Infrastructure Development’ at www.pleanala.ie).
The Board may, in respect of an application for permission/approval, decide to:
a) (i) grant the permission/approval;
(ii) make such modifications to the Proposed Development as it specifies in its decision and grant permission/approval in respect of the Proposed Development as so modified; or
(iii) grant permission/approval in respect of part of the Proposed Development (with or without specified modifications of the foregoing kind), and any of the above decisions may be subject to or without conditions; or
b) Refuse permission to grant the permission/approval.
Any enquiries relating to the application process should be directed to the Strategic Infrastructure Development Section of An Bord Pleanála (Tel. 01-8588100).
A person may question the validity of any such decision of the Board by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rule of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986, as amended by S.I. No. 691 of 2011), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended. Practical information on the review mechanism can be accessed on the Board’s website (www.pleanala.ie) under the following heading: Legal Notices – Judicial Review Notice. This information is also available on the Citizens Information Service website (www.citizensinformation.ie).
Planning Submission Documents
Planning Documents
Application Form
Planning Statement
Cover Letter
Site Notice
Press Notice
Press Notice - Irish Examiner
Press Notice - Irish Independent
Notice Provided to An Chomhairle Ealaoin
Notice Provided to An Taisce
Notice Provided to the Commission for Regulation of Utilities
Notice Provided to Cork County Council
Notice Provided to the Department for Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Notice Provided to the Environmental Protection Agency
Notice Provided to Failte Ireland
Notice Provided to the Health Service Authority
Notice Provided to the Health Service Executive
Notice Provided to Irish Water
Notice Provided to Kerry County Council
Notice Provided to the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage
Notice Provided to the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications
Notice Provided to the Southern Regional Assembly
Notice Provided to Transport Infrastructure Ireland
Drawing 000 - Site Location Plan
Drawing 001 - Proposed Site Plan
Drawing 002A - Proposed Existing Site Elevations ABCD
Drawing 002B - Proposed Site Elevations ABCD
Drawing 002C - Proposed Site Elevations (without flood wall)
Drawing 003 - Existing Site Topographical Survey
Drawing 004 - Existing Site Plan - Proposed Buildings to de Demolished
Drawing 005 - Site Services Layout
Drawing 006 - Proposed Site Surface Finishes Layout
Drawing 007 - Site Key Overlay Plan
Drawing 008 - Surface Level Finishes and Drainage Details
Drawing 009 - Proposed Admin Building and Workshop, Plan, Elevations and Sections
Drawing 010 - Proposed Store, Plan, Elevations and Sections
Drawing 011 - Proposed Demineralised Water Plant, Plan, Elevations and Sections
Drawing 012 - Proposed Power Control Modules, Plan, Elevations and Sections
Drawing 013 - Gas Turbine Unit, Plan, Section and Elevations
Drawing 014 - Water Tanks and Fire Water Module, Plan and Elevations
Drawing 015 - Fuel Tanks and Fuel Polishing and Transfer System Plan, Sections and Elevations
Drawing 016 - HV Connection and Transformers, Plan and Elevations
Drawing 017 - Emergency Generator, Plan and Elevations
Drawing 018 - Propane Tank, Plan and Elevations
Drawing 019 - Proposed Flood Defence Layout
Drawing 020 - Proposed Flood Defence Sections
Drawing 021 - Proposed Fencing Details
Drawing 022 - Proposed Lighting Overall
Non-Technical Summary
Environmental Impact Assessment Report, Volume I - EIAR
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Planning Policy
Chapter 3 Need and Alternatives
Chapter 4 Existing Site
Chapter 5 Description of the Proposed Development
Chapter 6 Consultations
Chapter 7 Air Quality
Chapter 8 Cultural Heritage
Chapter 9 Biodiversity
Chapter 10 Landscape and Visual
Chapter 11 Noise and Vibration
Chapter 12 Water
Chapter 13 Land and Soils
Chapter 14 Traffic
Chapter 15 Population and Human Health
Chapter 16 Material Assets
Chapter 17 Climate
Chapter 18 Waste Management
Chapter 19 Major Accidents and Disasters
Chapter 20 Interactions
Chapter 21 Conclusions
Environmental Impact Assessment Report, Volume II - Appendices
Table of Contents
Appendix 1A - Scoping Review
Appendix 1B - Technical Team
Appendix 5A - Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)
Appendix 5B - SSE Tarbert Power Plant Lighting Assessment
Appendix 5C - Tricel Novo Sewage Treatment Plant Brochure
Appendix 6A - Pre-Application Submission
Appendix 6B - An Bord Pleanála Pre-Application Response
Appendix 6C - Banners
Appendix 6D - Newsletter
Appendix 6E - Newsletters and Media Coverage
Appendix 6F - Public Consultation
Appendix 6G - Feedback Form
Appendix 8A - Gazzetteer
Appendix 8B - Site Photographs
Appendix 9A - Zones of Influence
Appendix 9B - NIS
Appendix 9C - Bat Report
Appendix 9D - Breeding Birds
Appendix 9E - Wintering Birds
Appendix 10A - Photomontage Booklet
Appendix 11A - Glossary of Terms
Appendix 11B - Acoustic Modelling Details
Appendix 12A - FRA
Appendix 12B - Surface Water Drainage Strategy
Appendix 12C - Water Framework Directive Screening Assessment
Appendix 13A - Ground Investigation Report
Appendix 13B - AECOM Heavy Fuel Oil Spill Response
Appendix 13C - ESB Generating Station Tarbert
Appendix 14A - Survey Data
Appendix 14B - CTMP
Appendix 17A - CCRA Risk Register
Appendix 18A - RWMP
Appendix 19A - TLUP
Environmental Impact Assessment Report, Volume III - Figures
Table of Contents
Figure 1.1 - Site Location Plan
Figure 4.1 - Site Setting
Figure 4.2 - Site Aerial
Figure 4.3 - Constraints Plan
Figure 4.4 - Planning Search 5km
Drawing 001 - Proposed Site Plan
Drawing 002A - Proposed Existing Site Elevations
Drawing 002B - Proposed Site Elevations A, B, C, D
Drawing 002C - Proposed Site Elevations (without flood wall) – A, B, C, D
Drawing 004 - Existing Site Plan – Proposed Buildings to be Demolished
Drawing 005 - Site Services Layout
Drawing 009 - Proposed Admin Building, Workshop, Plan, Elevations and Sections
Drawing 011 - Proposed Denim Water Plant, Plan, Elevations and Sections
Drawing 013 - Gas Turbine Unit, Plan Section and Elevations
Drawing 015 - Fuel Tanks, Plan, Elevations and Sections
Drawing 016 - HV Connection and Transformers, Plan and Elevations
Drawing 019 - Proposed Flood Defence Sections
Drawing 020 - Proposed Flood Defence Structures
Drawing 022 - Proposed Lighting Overall Plan
Figure 7.1 - Modelled Sources from the SSE Tarbert Site
Figure 7.2 - Modelled Sources from SSE Tarbert Site and Cumulative Developments
Figure 7.3 - Modelled Ecological Receptors
Figure 7.4 - Modelled Human Receptors
Figure 7.5 - Annual Mean NO2
Figure 7.6 - NO2 1hr Contours
Figure 7.7 - SO2 24hr Contours
Figure 7.8 - SO2 1hr Contours
Figure 7.9 - CO 8hr Contours
Figure 7.10 - PM10 An Contour
Figure 7.11 - PM10 24hr Contours
Figure 7.12 - SO2 An Contours
Figure 8.1 - Cultural Heritage Assets
Figure 9.1 - European Sites
Figure 9.2 - Fossit Habitats within Site
Figure 10.1 - Landscape Designations
Figure 10.2 - Zone of Theoretical Visibility
Figure 11.1 - NSR
Figure 11.2 - Road Links
Figure 11.3a - Predicted Construction Noise Levels in the Typical Month
Figure 11.3b - Peak Month - Piling Location 1
Figure 11.3c - Peak Month - Piling Location 2
Figure 11.3d - Piling and Foundation Stage - Piling Location 1
Figure 11.3e - Piling and Foundation Stage - Piling Location 2
Figure 11.4 - Operational Noise Level Post Mitigation
Figure 12.1 - Surface Waterbodies and Catchment
Figure 12.2 - Aquifers Designations
Figure 12.3 - Groundwater Vulnerability
Figure 13.1 - RSM
Figure 13.2 - RBM
Figure 14.1 - Traffic Survey Locations
Figure 14.2 - Site Access Locations
Figure 14.3 - Car Parking Locations
Community Consultation

An SSE Thermal led community consultation was held between 10 July and 02 August 2023 to provide members of the public with information on the Proposed Development in advance of the submission of the planning application and to enable them to express their own ideas, allowing the public to take an active role in developing the proposals by providing feedback.
Prior to the launch of the community consultation, the dedicated Community Liaison Officer for the project went door-to-door on 28 April 2023 to households in close proximity to the existing Tarbert Power HFO Station in addition to Tarbert itself to introduce himself and highlight the forthcoming consultation related to the Proposed Development, alongside providing an update on the separate Temporary Emergency Generation (TEG) project.
On the week commencing 03 July 2023 a newsletter was circulated to households in close proximity to the existing Tarbert HFO Power Station, Tarbert and the surrounding area which provided an overview of the Proposed Development alongside advertising in-person and online consultation activities. A copy of the newsletter was provided to local political stakeholders in advance of its circulation. Also, on the week commencing 03 July a press release providing an overview of the Proposed Development and consultation activities was issued to local media publications either side of the Kerry-Limerick border. Furthermore, paid advertising was taken out with The Kerryman, Kerry’s Eye and The Weekly Observer newspapers on week commencing 10 July to further promote in-person and online consultation activities.
The community consultation took the form of an online virtual consultation room and in-person staffed exhibitions. Both the online virtual consultation room and in-person events presented plans and project information for the Proposed Development on ‘roll-up’ banners. The virtual consultation room was launched on 10 July, while in-person events were held on 18 and 19 July 2023 as follows:
- Tarbert Community Centre (1730 – 2100hrs on 18 July 2023),
- Listowel Arms Hotel (1730 – 2100hrs on 19 July 2023).
Key members of the project team from SSE, Gravis Planning and AECOM were present to assist attendees, talk through the proposals and respond to questions or issues raised. Attendees included members of the local community, elected representatives, local employees and those with an interest in the surrounding environment. Feedback Forms were available to enable those who attended the events to express their viewpoints about different aspects of the Proposed Development. The Feedback Forms included the contact details of the Community Liaison Officer to enable individuals to send further comments if desired. A Feedback Form mechanism was also provided for the online virtual consultation room. Feedback was recorded by the project team and via the Feedback Forms and subsequently collated by SSE.
The virtual consultation room closed on 02 August, marking the end of the SSE Thermal led community consultation.